Sunday, September 30, 2018

Traditional Thai Massage Technique $6 For 1 Hour Cheap & Relaxing

The other day I got a Thai massage. Here in Pattaya, Thailand they range from 100 baht to 200 baht for one hour, or $3-$6. This video is a great way to understand the principles of Thai massage and the technique. I did not film the whole 1 hour, maybe I will do that in the future, but you can see basically how the massage takes place. Thai massage is an ancient practice that goes back centuries, believed to be 2,500 years old. It incorporates elements of yoga, reflexology and Thai medicine. It is believed to have healing properties, a form of therapy and I can't argue with that seeing how good I feel after getting one of these.

Thai massage uses no oil or lotions, sometime tiger balm is used to help heal sore parts of the body. Participants are fully clothed. A real proper Thai massage usually lasts around 2 hours and you can get that for around 300 baht or less than $10 in many parts of pattaya.

These Japanese Chefs Have Unreal Knife Skills

These Japanese chefs know, how to handle a knife! Being restaurants customers we might not know how functional a knife can become in the hands of a professional! While we don't know the differences between mincing, dicing, and chopping these chefs make a magic on their kitchens! Chefs have to develop a variety of skills, ranging from hard skills related to cooking to managing skills related to their cooking team

Watch an amazing compilation of unreal cutting skills of these chefs and you will definitely be impressed! The kitchen is a fast-paced environment, and a chef has to not only make numerous decisions at once but also work with a knife fast. Knife skills are the building blocks for any cook! Not only knives matter, but technique is important too!

Best Fight Scenes: Bruce Lee

The most famous cinematic martial artist of all time, Bruce Lee revolutionized the martial arts film industry with movies like “Fist of Fury”, “Game of Death”, and his Hollywood breakout film, “Enter the Dragon”. Lee grew up on the streets of Hong Kong eventually learning the style of Kung Fu called Wing Chun under the tutelage of Ip Man before later combining it with other combat forms from around the world to develop his own martial arts philosophy, Jeet Kune Do. Having taught

non-Chinese students in San Francisco when most Chinese martial artists esoterically restricted their wisdom to their own ethnicity, Bruce Lee adapted to a multicultural society and emphasized never limiting oneself to specific styles or mindsets. Following his tragic and untimely death in 1973, his legacy has influenced not only the martial arts world but also popular culture as a whole. So here are my favorite Bruce lee fight scenes.

Friday, September 7, 2018

China Cute Girl

Born to an army officer in Haryana, Navneet has recently won the Miss India World 2013 title. She has a gorgeous figure with exceedingly good looks. This Indian/Asian girl truly redefines beauty. She is currently a second year college student and has yet to discover the rest of her life. But when it comes to beauty, she has definitely been discovered by the world.

Asia is a continent with many countries. That is why Asian culture is an amalgamation of numerous local cultures and when considering the most beautiful Asian girls, one finds exquisite women who look ravishing but distinctly different from each other.